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Data Use Policy: AmeriFlux CC-BY-4.0 License

This site’s data can also be used under the more restrictive AmeriFlux Legacy Policy. The AmeriFlux Legacy Policy must be followed if US-WPT data are combined with data from sites that require the AmeriFlux Legacy Policy.

  • AmeriFlux BASE: Jiquan Chen, Housen Chu (2019), AmeriFlux BASE US-WPT Winous Point North Marsh, Ver. 4-5, AmeriFlux AMP, (Dataset).
  • AmeriFlux FLUXNET: Jiquan Chen, Housen Chu (2023), AmeriFlux FLUXNET-1F US-WPT Winous Point North Marsh, Ver. 3-5, AmeriFlux AMP, (Dataset).

Find global FLUXNET datasets, like FLUXNET2015 and FLUXNET-CH4, and their citation information at

To cite BADM when downloaded on their own, use the publications below for citing site characterization. When using BADM that are downloaded with AmeriFlux BASE and AmeriFlux FLUXNET products, use the DOI citation for the associated data product.

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Keywords: —

Credit: Housen Chu Site ID:US-WPTLocation: Image Date: 2013/01 Journal: — Article Title: — Copyright Permissions: — Right to Use: As long as credit is given View in Original Size To download, right-click photo (Mac: control-click) and choose Save Image As

Keywords: —

Credit: Housen Chu Site ID:US-WPTLocation: Image Date: 2011/11 Journal: — Article Title: — Copyright Permissions: — Right to Use: As long as credit is given View in Original Size To download, right-click photo (Mac: control-click) and choose Save Image As

Keywords: —

Credit: Housen Chu Site ID:US-WPTLocation: Image Date: 2011/09 Journal: — Article Title: — Copyright Permissions: — Right to Use: As long as credit is given View in Original Size To download, right-click photo (Mac: control-click) and choose Save Image As

Keywords: —

Credit: Housen Chu Site ID:US-WPTLocation: Image Date: 2013/07 Journal: — Article Title: — Copyright Permissions: — Right to Use: As long as credit is given View in Original Size To download, right-click photo (Mac: control-click) and choose Save Image As

Keywords: —

Credit: Housen Chu Site ID:US-WPTLocation: Image Date: 2013/06 Journal: — Article Title: — Copyright Permissions: — Right to Use: As long as credit is given View in Original Size To download, right-click photo (Mac: control-click) and choose Save Image As

Keywords: —

Credit: Housen Chu Site ID:US-WPTLocation: United States Image Date: 2011/06/16 Journal: — Article Title: — Copyright Permissions: Contact owner Right to Use: As long as credit is given View in Original Size To download, right-click photo (Mac: control-click) and choose Save Image As

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The time series shows the 16-day Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) average from the MOD13Q1 data product. Use the slider below the time series to zoom in and out.

Includes all pixels that have acceptable quality To view / download these data and other MOD13Q1 products for this site, visit MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices.

For other related products, visit MODIS/VIIRS Fixed Sites Subsets Tool.


ORNL DAAC. 2018. Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Read more on how to cite these MODIS products. Data come from NASA’s MODIS instruments installed on satellites Terra and Aqua, which scan the entire Earth’s surface every one to two days.

MODIS NDVI subsetted data is not yet available for this site.

For a complete list of AmeriFlux sites, visit ORNL DAAC’s MODIS/VIIRS Fixed Sites Subsets Tool.

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Access the Biological, Ancillary, Disturbance and Metadata (BADM) information and data for this site.

BADM contain information for many uses, such as characterizing a site’s vegetation and soil, describing disturbance history, and defining instrumentation for flux processing. They complement the flux/met data.

  • Download BADM for this site*
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  • Use Online Editor to update Site General Info or DOI Authorship
  • Update information about submitted data (Variable Information tool)
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* Online updates are shown on the Overview tab real time. However, downloaded BADM files will not reflect those updates until they have been reviewed for QA/QC.

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Click an image below to enlarge it, or use the navigation panel. 52. Image scale: 761m x 761m 53. Image scale: 1521m x 1521m 54. Data Collected: Wind roses use variables ‘WS’ and ‘WD’.Download DataDownload Wind Rose as Image File (PNG)

Wind Speed (m/s)

  1. All
  2. AnnualAnnual Average
  3. Mar-Jun6AM to 6PM6PM to 6AM
  4. Jun-Sep6AM to 6PM6PM to 6AM
  5. Sep-Dec6AM to 6PM6PM to 6AM
  6. Dec-Mar6AM to 6PM6PM to 6AM
  7. Graph TypeSectorBar
  8. Wind Speed ScalePer SiteNon-Linear
  9. Wind Direction Scale (%)Per SiteAmeriFlux
  10. Show Satellite Image
  11. Show Wind Rose
  12. All
  13. AnnualAnnual Average
  14. Mar-Jun6AM to 6PM6PM to 6AM
  15. Jun-Sep6AM to 6PM6PM to 6AM
  16. Sep-Dec6AM to 6PM6PM to 6AM
  17. Dec-Mar6AM to 6PM6PM to 6AM


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